With the 2020 tax season commencing in July and current medical advice recommending limited adult contact, we advise that we will not be conducting individual tax appointments in our office during the next few months. Instead we will be offering a remote service and encourage you to contact our office if you require a remote consultation with your accountant, either via Zoom or telephone.
To assist with the electronic approach to tax preparation this year, we have provided a complementary Tax Data Organiser and an Individual Tax Return Checklist that you might like to use to help gather and compile your tax information. The ATO website also provides some helpful deduction guides that are specific to particular occupations and industries: https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Income-and-deductions/Occupation-and-industry-specific-guides/
This tax season information can be forwarded to us in the mail or via email direct to your accountant or reception@kellyassoc.com.au Alternatively, you may upload your information to the client portal and we have provided instructions for this process below.
Please note that as circumstances and medical advice changes we will review our current remote appointment policy. We will update our website with any changes in our policy or alternatively please contact our office to check if appointments are available.
We thank you for your patience and understanding as we try to ensure the safety of all clients and staff.
Uploading your Tax Information to the Client Portal
Uploading your tax documents to the client portal is a simple and secure way to share your information with us!
Simply log in to the client portal as you usually would and enter the relevant portal area.
From the ‘document listing’ page, open the ‘upload manager’ (the upwards facing arrow shown above) located in the top right hand corner of the page, choose ‘select files’ and then ‘start’ to complete the transfer.
Please note that we will be automatically notified that you have sent your documents and that they are available for us to retrieve!
We also remind you that we have provided ‘client portal tips’ on our website to help with the process of retrieving and signing your tax returns.
If you need further assistance with the client portal please do not hesitate to contact us.